Well this is my first post, let's see if we can keep this running ehehe.
My first post is about encrypting and decrypting data in a column in SQL.
Since I had a bad time searching this in google so I decided this will be my post.
First we have to create the key so we can use it afterwards
Create symmetric key TheSymKeyName
with algorithm = TRIPLE_DES
encryption by password = 'apasswordyouchoose'
You have other choices for the algorithm but for that googleit i will not waist my time on it.
Then we will need to open the key:
Open symmetric key TheSymKeyName
decryption by password = 'apasswordyouchoose'
You can check if the key got open doing a simple query:
Select * from sys.openkeys
Then it's time for we to encrypt the data:
Select EncryptByKey(key_guid('TheSymKeyName'), 'valuetoencrypt')
Voilá, you have your value encrypted. And finally to decrypt the key, you can simply
Select convert(varchar(50), decryptbykey(0x00191422BC15934AB4D8BB81C175331E01000000855C1A81E18EAA0DAB9F32543AF832941324625F852AB0F6EAF12628D0A53D6C))
And don't forget to close the key using:
Any doubt's???